Monday, July 30, 2007

Flowers and Things

I wanted to put some more of my beautiful flowers from the yard on here. I also added some pictures to the right side of the blog and at the bottom. So always check that for new pictures.

The dogs want to be kids so bad!!

The dogs love Jeremy so much. When he plays on the floor they are right there with him. I am not sure if it is they want to play with him or if it is they just want his toys to chew on. That happens often, when the toys are left on the floor they then think that is their toys and they chew them. So we try not to leave any toys on the floor. Roxie sleeps with Jeremy every night, so she figures she can sleep in the chair with him too. She is like a human.

Our pond at night

The Lights around the pond. It make such a difference at night our pond is bright.
I have to figure out how to take better night pictures. My camera has a night setting but I have not figured out how to use it yet. If I can get better pictures I will post them!!!

Jeremy is here for the rest of the SUMMER:)

We have Jeremy for the rest of the summer until school starts back, He has been with us for a couple of weeks now. We have done some fun stuff. We took a bike ride up the Hawthorne trail. It is the old train track that goes from Hawthorne to Gainesville. We rode a little over 4 miles. Jeremy did good he got tired by the end. We stopped on a little dock that overlooks the swamp that comes off Newnans Lake. This is Jeremy checking out the bird that is in the swamp. It was very algea filled. We need more rain to fill up our water ways here in north florida!!We plan on going to Wild Waters before the summer is over. We went a couple of times last summer. Jeremy has a blast on all of the slides!!

Good Monday!!!

Today is Monday and it is not so bad. Chuck played music all weekend. Friday night he played at Hogans. It was a fun time. Saturday he was suppose to play a party, but it got rained out. My nephew Bryson had his 2nd birthday party at moms on Saturday also. For a 2 year old he had one heck of a party. Lots of guest. It was fun, but I forgot my camera, Mindy you will have to send me some pictures!!!!! Overall it was a busy weekend. We did not have Jeremy this weekend, he said he was sad to have missed Bryson's birthday party. He said Bryson will probaly be much bigger the next time he see's him. I assured him that they will see each other soon.
Happy Birthday Bryson!!! This picture is one that Bryson's mom Mindy took. She takes great pictures.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Just Checking In

We have been busy this week, with work, since we missed so much last week. I have some new pictures to post, If I remember to bring my camera to load the pictures in the computer I will hopefully get them up soon. So look for it hopefully the beginning of next week!!!! This is the bay on lake sante fe!!!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What a Week it has been

Pond Flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chuck has been under the weather this week, so today is our Monday, and it is really Thursday! Ughhhhh, So not much has been going on this week. I thought I would post some recent pix of the pond. We put pine bark around it so there is not tall grass growing around it, I think it made a huge difference. And Mom Givens gave me (for an early b-day present) some solar lights to go around the pond and flower beds. I'll have to take pix at night, as soon as I do I will put them up here. The lights make it look so much better at night. Very neat. Thanks Mom G.!!!!
Here are some good pictures of my girl, she is a good model
And while I am at it, I took some good pictures of some of the many flowers in our yard, every flower i Post will most likely be from our yard

Monday, July 16, 2007

Cowboy and Uncle J

My friend Debra and I took Coltyn "cowboy" and Jeremy "Uncle J" to the beach, We had to stop and get armies for cowboy and got both of them a boogie board. Jeremy saw this fish hat that he had to have, so you know Cowboy had to have one to. We had a fun day. I forgot to take my camera to the beach, so no beach pictures, but here are some of the boys with their hats on. We kept Coltyn for the week, becaues Essa had an interview at Disney World. She got the job, and we now have Minnie Mouse in the family. She is the Minnie Mouse character at disney world. I know she will be great at it, that is probaly going to be a fun job!!!

Layton Ray Givens

Layton wearing Pops sunglasses.

Here is some great pictures of Layton. I thought they were cute!!!

4th of July

We celebrated the fouth of July the weekend after. We had Jeremy, Coltyn, and Layton. It was a fun time. We only had a few fireworks, little ones, but the kids had a great time. Jeremy had a fireworks dance he did, he would dance around and around the fireworks. He probaly had the most fun of everyone.
Jeremys dance and Jeremy with his friend from down the street Ian.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our wonderul Yard

All of you know how hard we have been working on our yard, so I figure I will show it from the beginning til now and keep updating the more we do. Our yard started with having to bring several loads of dirt into our majorly sloping yard. First of all our yard was full of tall weeds. This picture was taken in August of 2005. As you can see we

have our work cut out!

We had several loads of dirt brought in and then we got started putting sod down.

June of 2006, This picture we have sod laid and Chuck and Jr have started digging for the pond. Needless to say they dug the pond out, but we neglected to get a liner til the next summer May of 2007!! We had a big hole in the yard for a year or so.They put the liner in and here we go!!It has been alot of work but well worth it. We go to the plant nursery about every weekend, to add to our plant collection around the pond, well actually all over the yard. Our front yard is almost full, so our next project is the back yard. That is going to be a bit trickier because that is Hooches domain.
This pix is a little more progress. We have been putting many plants around the pond. It is so relaxing to just sit out and admire our work. We have 3 koi fish and 1 algea eater fish, and many many tadpoles, frogs, minnows, and water bugs. You should hear the frogs at night. It is crazy.
I have not put the latest pix of the pond in the computer yet but i will and I will keep posting to show progress.

Biloxi - The Beau Rivage

The Beau Rivage - June 28th and 29th

Chuck and I, Mom and Randy took a little vacation to Biloxi to do some gambling. Oh what Fun that was. We had a great time. Chuck had some good luck our first night there, but his luck ended shorly after that. So I picked up the slack and won back most the money that was lost. We are the Black Jack Junkies!!!

This is us with our many chips. Chuck now wants to get married at the black jack tables if at all possible. You never know we may be taking another trip!! We also got to hang out at the pool and get a little sun. Over all it was one of the best vacations that we have ever been on. It was sad to see how hurricane katrina devastated the gulf coast, but they seem to be rebuilding well. The casino was huge. Lots of slots, but they seem to take your money rather than you win much. I like the card tables. Thanks Mom and Randy. We had a blast. This is Mom at her infamous penny slots. An illegal picture, because we were not suppose to take any pictures in the casino. oops!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Givens family

I am going to attempt to do this blog. I am going to start by putting some pix in and we will see what happens